Postal Stories: Artwork

Through art and collaborative projects, fans of the post office stand by their mail.

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Stamp Paintings: Laura Marshall

“As a paper artist I recently joined a Mail art community. People send their art through the mail, to perfect strangers. I am so excited about that, making art and just letting it go.” 

- Laura Marshall | Paper Artist


WPA Murals in Post Offices

Doris Lee's Country Post is one of 1,200 New Deal artworks created for post offices across the country. Lee presents a cheerful group of rural Americans enjoying the convenience of mail delivery. A farmer receive a shipment of tools. A boy rushes to post a letter, while a woman opens and reads hers. The carrier's automobile, along with the train racing toward the right, signify modernity and speed, in contrast to the church steeple which symbolizes the endurance of faith and tradition.

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The USPS Art Project

The USPS Art Project is a mail art artist collaboration project, free and open  for anyone who wants to participate. The goal is for unique collaborative artworks to be created, allowing the artists to establish deeper connections with others while practicing social distancing and in doing so,  help the financially struggling USPS by sending and receiving packages. The finished artworks are shared online on the @uspsartproject social media accounts.

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Artwork by Missy Pierce @missy.pierce and LynnCole for @uspsartproject